PIARC XXIInd World Road Congress Durban (South Africa)
  From 19 to 25 October 2003, le XXIInd World Road Congress and the associated exhibition organized in Durban (South Africa) by the World Road Association and the South African Organizing Committee gathered together over 3500 persons from 108 countries.


In this CD-Rom, which contains the final proceedings of this congress, you will find:
• A presentation of the venues of this event,
• The general program of the congress, the program of each session together with its introductory report,
• National reports prepared in reply to the enquiry launched by some Strategic Theme Coordinators,
• Individual papers selected by the PIARC Technical Committees or Strategic Theme coordinators on several issues to complement the work done within the Technical Committees,
• The transcript of the Ministers' session,
• General Report of the Congress,
• The list of the participants,
• Information about the exhibition,
• The winning essays of the PIARC Prizes 2003 international competition launched by PIARC in 2001,
• The PIARC Activity report which covers the activity of the association between the last World Road Congress in Kuala Lumpur in 1999 and Durban.

A selection of photos and short videos will enable to remember this first world congress organized by PIARC in the sub-Saharan African continent.

Jean-François Corté
PIARC – Secretary General

Note: when a text was only produced in English, it is this version which appears by default in the French and Spanish editions.