PIARC Prizes 2003
PIARC launched in 2001 a competition to highlight the road sector in general and the World Road Association in particular. The contest first took place at national level from 1 May to 1 September 2002, and the winning essays from the national selections were sent to the International Jury by 1 September 2002.

There were five awards in competition:

- PIARC Prize for construction, maintenance and operation of roads
- PIARC Prize for developing country issues
- PIARC Prize for sustainable development
- PIARC Prize for essays for young professionals
- Maurice Milne Medal; a jury prize for the most innovative idea

A total of 32 essays have been forwarded to the Internal Jury: Australia 1, Austria 1, Bangladesh 1, Belgium 2, Cameroon 1, China 4, Cuba 2, France 2, Germany 2, Italy 1, Switzerland 2, Japan 4, Mexico 1,Morocco 2, Netherlands 1, Norway 1, Spain 1, Sweden 1, United Kingdom 1, Uzbekistan 1.

The International Jury composed of:

Mr Henning Christiansen, Denmark, Chairman
Mr Jean-Francois Corté, PIARC
Mr Claude van Rooten, Belgium
Mr Jean Beauverd, Switzerland
Mr Roberto Aguerrebere Salido, Mexico
Mr Han Joke Kwang, Malaysia
Ms Ginny Clarke, United Kingdom
Mr Horacio José Blot, Argentina
(Ms Tytti Viinikainen, PIARC, Secretary of the Jury)

decided upon the winners on 10th April 2003. The awards will be given to the five winning teams during the Ministers session at the XXIInd World Road Congress in Durban.

In addition, four other essays have been selected for publication for their interesting content.

Prize : Construction, maintenance and operation of roads
Winner: Bernd Raubal (Austria):
> An angle-step-method for designing a drainage-optimized surface for roundabouts with slope
Ali-A. Rafi (Switzerland):
> Asset Management System (AMS) for Roads

Prize : Sustainable development
Winner: Yukitoshi Fujishima, Yohei Hioki & Nobuyuki Momoi (Japan):
> Comprehensive Recycling System on Expressway Construction & Maintenance

Prize : Developing countries issues
Winner: Takeshi Yoshida, Satoshi Ueda, Yukihiko Yudasaka & Fujio ITO (Japan):
> Analyzing poverty-reducing effect of road improvement
Eduardo Tejeda Piusseaut & Lourdes Martínez López (Cuba):
> Proposal of secondary road management system (SRMS) in developing country
Yvan Lefeuvre (France):
> Gestion optimisée d’un parc d’ouvrages de génie civil

Prize : Young professionals
Winner: Bryan Magee, Victoria Moreland, James Quick & Matthew Wilson (United Kingdom):
> 2030: A Transport Odyssey
Agnelo Duarte, Charmaine Collins, Andrew Bethune & Michelle Walker (Australia):
> Providing Sustainable Transport Solutions

Maurice Milne Medal
Winner: Jochen Stemmler & Michael Neuhaus (Switzerland):
> Development of an electronic joystick steering (steer-by-wire) device for disabled drivers